Cozy Theme
Hi Friends and New Readers!
If you're new here, I'm NEZ, an illustrator and digital artist. You can also find me on Instagram at @NEZS.ART and check out my YouTube channel by clicking [here] to explore more of my work.
Today, I want to talk about my recent theme (well, maybe not so recent since I published it about 7 months ago 😅). Life has been busy with other projects and work!
This Cozy Theme is all about the healing stage of life. I believe we've all been through those dark phases where we struggle, whether it's financially, physically, emotionally, or spiritually. Everyone has their own battles, which is why I always encourage people to speak kindly to one another. Words can deeply affect someone's mood, emotions, and even their mental health.
Now, I know some people might say, "Oh, just learn to not care about what others think," or use phrases like "hati tisu" (overly sensitive). But kindness isn't just about being polite—it's about being empathetic and responsible as human beings. Imagine if someone spoke harshly to you; it would sting, right? The good thing is, change starts with us. When we act with kindness, we set an example for others.
This theme is a reminder for anyone going through tough times that healing is possible. Trust me, I’ve been there, and I’m here to tell you that you can make it through, too!
During your healing process:
- Avoid things that trigger negative feelings
- Take note of what causes setbacks
- If you need to cut toxic people from your life, remember it’s for your mental and physical well-being. Your body and brain need time to heal.
Focusing on your health is never selfish. It's necessary.
I hope that whenever you see my Cozy Theme illustrations, they serve as a reminder of how healing feels. When you're healed, you’ll feel:
- Free
- Happy
- Unstoppable
- Stronger
- Healthier
- Surrounded by supportive people
- Filled with positive energy and words
- More energized and ready to dance to life’s rhythm
And most of all, you’ll feel happy.
So, if you’re going through a tough time right now, know that it gets better. Keep going—you’ve got this!
Here are the illustrations I did for the theme:
Published on : 09/08/2023